Understanding the Importance of the Lay Responder Experience in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association

The following scientific update appears in Currents courtesy of author Katie N. Dainty, PhD, MSc.

For a long time, our entire focus around bystander CPR has been about training people to have the hard skills required to do CPR. While training is an important component of how we will increase survival from sudden cardiac arrest, we have largely ignored the psychology of bystanderism and the impact that our call to action has on responders. A recent scientific statement from the American Heart Association titled “Understanding the Importance of the Lay Responder Experience in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest” does an excellent job of reviewing this issue for the first time and makes recommendations about how we incorporate existing research into our practices.

For trained or untrained individuals, performing CPR on a real person is a challenging prospect for anyone exposed to an intense emergency situation.  Understanding the ground-level barriers and facilitators to performing CPR may help direct training to improve lay response on a population level.1,2 Studies have shown that the barriers faced by lay responders when confronted with an OHCA are not insignificant and include low self-efficacy, panic, fear of infection or doing the wrong thing, and fear of litigation.3,4,5-8.  Those that have responded have shared that while some were driven by a sense of duty to help and felt empowered by saving a life, most struggle with physical and emotional challenges, sleep disturbance, questioning their actions and an overwhelming feeling that their training did not properly prepare them for the real situation.

Early bystander CPR can double a victim’s chance of survival; it is a crucial intervention in our armament against the overwhelming mortality of sudden cardiac arrest. But as such, it behooves us to fully understand how to harness its power and impact.  We must turn our  attention to understanding how the lived experience of lay responders can help evolve our approaches to communicating about, training for and encouraging bystander CPR and protecting the mental health of those who witness an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.1 Moving knowledge-to-action is the future of the resuscitation movement.



  1. Dainty KN, Colquitt B, Bhanji F, Hunt EA, Jefkins T, Leary M, Ornato JP, Swor RA, Panchal A. Understanding the Importance of the Lay Responder Experience in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2022 Apr 26;145(17): e852-e867.
  2. Vaillancourt C, Stiell IG, Wells GA. Understanding and improving low bystander CPR rates: a systematic review of the literature. CJEM. 2008;10:51–65. doi: 10.1017/s1481803500010010
  3. Sasson C, Haukoos JS, Bond C, Rabe M, Colbert SH, King R, Sayre M, Heisler M. Barriers and facilitators to learning and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation in neighborhoods with low bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation prevalence and high rates of cardiac arrest in Columbus, OH. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2013;6:550–558.4.45
  4. Dobbie F, MacKintosh AM, Clegg G, Stirzaker R, Bauld L. Attitudes towards bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation: results from a crosssectional general population survey. PLoS One. 2018;13:e0193391.
  5. Johnston TC, Clark MJ, Dingle GA, FitzGerald G. Factors influencing Queenslanders’ willingness to perform bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2003;56:67–75.
  6. Coons SJ, Guy MC. Performing bystander CPR for sudden cardiac arrest: behavioral intentions among the general adult population in Arizona. Resuscitation. 2009;80:334–340.
  7. Riegel B, Mosesso VN, Birnbaum A, Bosken L, Evans LM, Feeny D, Holohan J, Jones CD, Peberdy MA, Powell J; PAD Investigators. Stress reactions and perceived difficulties of lay responders to a medical emergency. Resuscitation. 2006;70:98–106.
  8. Kanstad BK, Nilsen SA, Fredriksen K. CPR knowledge and attitude to performing bystander CPR among secondary school students in Norway. Resuscitation. 2011;82:1053–1059.

It’s Shocktober!

In 2017, the U.S. federal government officially designated October as Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month thanks to the efforts of several cardiac arrest-focused non-profits, including the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation. Each year, more than 350,000 people die from sudden cardiac arrest. October is a fitting time to focus on expanding awareness and use of the two tools that can save lives: CPR and AEDs.

Read more about the origins of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, also referred to as Shocktober, from the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation >>

Drowning and Climate Change

Lifeguards walking along beach

The planet is warming.

“In 2018, we burned a quarter of a million kilograms of coal, 116 million liters of gas, and 7 million liters of oil…every SECOND. In the span of just 50 years, atmospheric CO2 emissions have reached the highest concentrations in over 3 million years. The consequent trapping of longwave radiation has led to energy gain (1750-2011) at a rate the equivalent of four Hiroshima Bombs each SECOND. Polar ice is melting and sea levels are rising. When we add energy to the atmosphere, we get weather – more of it, and ever more extreme,” as outlined in “Matters of Life and Death,” Montgomery & Tipton (2019).

Many of you (myself included) see and feel its effects around you.

What does this have to do with drowning and CPR? We are just returning from the International Drowning Researchers’ Alliance (IDRA) conference, which met to discuss the research agenda for drowning as it relates to climate change. Climate change results in changing drivers for recreational, occupational, and daily interaction with bodies of water, increased frequency of unsafe exposure to water, changing environments locally, changing risks for individuals, changing risks for rescuers, increased burden on rescuers, and increased burden on health services.

We anticipate that, as the planet warms, there will be a growing global burden of drowning. While the initial thought may go to the increased flooding from natural disasters, there are additional considerations. It is forecast that in the next 50 years, 1-3 billion people will be living outside of survivable areas. There will be an additional 750 million that are currently living below the projected high-tide line. These major factors, combined with changing patterns of wild game and inarable soil, will drive massive human migration. Already treacherous routes such as the one from North Africa to Europe will become even more so. Rising water levels and the search for clean drinking water will force billions to make risky crossings to find safety or daily sojourns for fresh water.

More than 90% of global drowning deaths are in low- and middle-income countries. In addition to increased drowning from flooding, migration and reconcentration of populations will cause an increase in diarrheal disease like cholera and zoonotic diseases, including avian influenza, SARS-CoV-2 and monkeypox, among others. Mitigation and response efforts will face new challenges. Increasing temperatures means increased risk to all people for heat illness. Particularly at risk will be rescuers that respond to many of these disasters; consideration must be given to the increased heat stress of rescuers in personal protective equipment such as wetsuits, drysuits, turnout gear, etc. Contamination of floodwaters and rivers with infectious agents, petroleum products, and other toxic chemicals will increase risk to rescuers and the general population alike. Agencies will need to develop strategies to mitigate climate change as well as adapt to the things we cannot change.

One such adaptation that was promoted at the conference, and is currently being implemented, is the use of life jackets during tsunamis. The Maldives recently passed legislation requiring life jackets be placed in every hotel room with the hope that they are utilized if there is a tsunami or flash flood. While it may seem like a simple solution, the logistics can be quite difficult. It is apropos that this model of having life jackets in every room is adapted from the cruise ship industry. Cruise ships are manmade structures subject to the tides and whims of the ocean, able to exist and sustain life through carefully planned and allocated resources. With the contraction of the polar icecap, there has been increased maritime activity in polar waters, especially cruise ships. This change increases the likelihood of the need for remote search and rescue activity over thousands of miles.

At the risk of being doom and gloom, all of this begs the question — What can I do as an individual? The first step is acknowledging that there is a problem and that we must act urgently to mitigate the impending disastrous consequences. The hardest thing to do is to change human behavior and big change is required. Fortunately, this can be accomplished by many small changes. People must demand of their representatives that climate change mitigation is high on the list of priorities. Ask the organizations you deal with if they have a climate change policy, a sustainability officer, environment friendly procurement policies, support those groups that do. Join and support organizations working to save our environment. Then think about all those things you can do personally to reduce your carbon footprint, from travel to local and seasonal eating, and many other actions (The Physiological Society, 2021).

We believe that climate advocate Dr. Elizabeth Sawin said it best: “Everyone doesn’t need to leave their [professional] field and convert to a climate practitioner. But everyone does need to figure out how their field might best contribute to protecting the climate, and how the climate change we can’t prevent will impact their field.”

We hope that this at least starts the conversation. The solutions will not lie just with rescuers and researchers, but will also require accountants, engineers, artists, physiologists, lawyers, and the entire range of human experience and expertise to ensure that our planet is habitable and humane for our children and grandchildren.

Thank you to Justin Sempsrott, MD, an EMS/Emergency Medicine Physician in North Carolina, the co-founder of Lifeguards Without Borders, a 20-year ocean lifeguard with the American Red Cross Volunteer Lifesaving Corps and a previous HEARTSafe Community webinar speaker, for contributing this article to Currents. Dr. Sempsrott’s co-author on the article is Professor Mike Tipton, MBE, PhD, MSc, FTPS, Professor of Human & Applied Physiology, Extreme Environments Laboratory, School of Sport Health & Exercise Science, University of Portsmouth, UK.


Article Sources:

Montgomery H. & Tipton MJ (2019) Matters of life and death: Change beyond planetary homeostasis. Experimental Physiology Editorial.

The Physiological Society (2021) Physiology and climate change. Appendix (Montgomery & Tipton).


Survivors, Rescuers Reunited in New Hampshire

What better way to celebrate the power of the chain of survival, including bystander action, than by reuniting SCA survivors with the people who helped rescue them?

Dartmouth Health member Cheshire Medical Center recently hosted the first Rescuers Reuniting With the Rescued: A Celebration of Survival, bringing together 10 people who experienced SCA in 2021 and those who saved them, including:

  • 911 telecommunications dispatchers
  • Bystanders who performed CPR
  • Law enforcement officers who used AEDs
  • Fire department first responders
  • EMS clinicians

SCA survivors attending the event included Pauline Johansen, 71, who collapsed while raking leaves last September. As Ryan Spencer reported for The Keene Sentinel, two sisters and neighbors — Emma and Camryn Carey — stopped while driving by, called 911 and performed CPR for seven minutes until rescue personnel arrived.

At Rescuers Reuniting with the Rescued, Pauline got to thank Emma and Camryn with a hug.

“I want to thank my guardian angels,” Johansen said, as quoted in The Keene Sentinel.

The event also gave organizers and attendees a chance to recognize the region’s high bystander CPR rates — around 70%, according to a press release from Cheshire Medical Center.

“These high rates are likely due to telecommunicators at 911 recognizing patients who are in cardiac arrest and directing bystanders to perform CPR,” said Jim Suozzi, DO, associate medical director and EMS medical director, Cheshire Medical Center. “National CPR and AED Awareness Week, June 1-7, highlights the importance of knowing how to perform CPR and use an AED. We also wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate these remarkable saves and promote awareness.”

Cheshire Medical Center, Best Western Plus Keene, Tempesta’s Restaurant and ZOLL, a Citizen CPR Foundation partner, teamed up to sponsor Rescuers Reuniting with the Rescued.

Read more about Rescuers Reuniting with the Rescued in The Keene Sentinel and also tune into WKBK Radio’s Good Morning with Dan Mitchell for an interview with a panel of CPR and AED experts, including Dr. Suozzi. If you have an SCA save story that you’d like to share with Citizen CPR Foundation, please reach out to Katy Schamberger. Click here to send Katy an email.

What Is A HEARTSafe Community?

The monthly HEARTSafe Community Champion webinars are just one part of our larger HEARTSafe Community initiative, which we started in 2019. Our HEARTSafe Community program is a set of criteria and guidelines designed to improve outcomes to sudden cardiac arrest emergencies through a specific set of training, preparation and response protocols.

This criteria supports the cardiac arrest “chain of survival” and encourages communities to put that chain of survival into action. Activities include:

  • Widespread CPR instruction
  • Public access defibrillators
  • Aggressive resuscitation protocols for first responders and area hospitals

Communities that strive to become “heart safe” must meet the criteria established by the Citizen CPR Foundation. Upon completion, they receive signage and official recognition as a HEARTSafe Community to demonstrate a commitment to citizen health and safety.

For more information about HEARTSafe Community criteria or to learn more about achieving this designation in your own community, visit our website.

Summit 2021 Available On-Demand

There’s still time to get your on-demand access to 50+ sessions, including keynotes, from December’s Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit, thanks to our partners at Prodigy EMS. Summit attendees, check your email for log-in credentials sent directly from Prodigy EMS. If you missed the conference, you can explore purchasing options on the Prodigy EMS website, including full access or specific tracks.

In Memory of G. Guy Knickerbocker, PhD

We’ve lost a giant in the resuscitation world. G. Guy Knickerbocker, PhD, is one of three scientists who developed CPR and forever changed how we can all save more lives from sudden cardiac arrest. All of us at the Citizen CPR Foundation are profoundly grateful for Dr. Knickerbocker’s work and support, including participating in past Cardiac Arrest Survival Summits. It’s difficult to quantify just how much the “Father of CPR” will be missed, but his lifesaving legacy endures each time someone learns or performs CPR.

In honor of Dr. Knickerbocker, we applaud and encourage you all in your efforts to save more lives from sudden cardiac arrest. We will continue to keep Dr. Knickerbocker’s family, friends and colleagues in our thoughts. Read Dr. Knickerbocker’s full obituary.

Meet the 2021 Class of 40 Under 40 Honorees! – Part 2

In this Q2 issue of Currents, we’re continuing our spotlight on the 2021 Class of 40 Under 40, first announced and recognized at the Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit.

This is a dynamic group of young leaders, professionals, advocates and survivors who share a common passion: working to improve SCA outcomes.

Introducing the 40 Under 40 honorees recognized this quarter:

  • Eddy Afram
  • Eric Anderson
  • Koralia Burz, Director of Learning, Code One Training Solutions
  • Matthew Crow, Firefighter Paramedic
  • Kenny Dobbs, International Slam Dunk Champion
  • Kristin Flanary
  • Bella Flores
  • Alexander Gordon, Eagle Scout
  • Richard Grant, Police Officer
  • Robert Griffin III, Lieutenant

Visit our website to read more about these honorees and meet the rest of the 2021 Class of 40 Under 40.  We’ll be back to introduce you to more winners in September!

A Message of Support for Ukraine

The Citizen CPR Foundation is a non-profit organization and our mission is to save lives from sudden cardiac arrest by stimulating effective community, professional and citizen action.

The Citizen CPR Foundation is appalled by the current invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We join other organizations in strongly condemning the attack on the Ukrainian people. We are calling upon Russia to end this aggression immediately.

Our hearts are with the people in Ukraine and in particular healthcare workers, healthcare facilities and agencies providing humanitarian aid.

International Red Cross teams are providing aid in Ukraine and in neighboring countries where families are seeking safety. Should you wish to contribute, the Citizen CPR Foundation suggests you consider a donation to the International Committee of the Red Cross.


Stu Berger, MD | President, Citizen CPR Foundation

Paula Lank, BSN, RN | Chair, Citizen CPR Foundation

Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit News: On-Demand Access and Save the Date!

Thank you to everyone who made the 2021 Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit such an engaging, informative and successful event!

We’re excited to announce that the Summit will return to the Town & Country Hotel and Resort in San Diego in November. 2023. Save the date and stay tuned for more event details!

In the meantime, whether you attended Summit 2021 or couldn’t make it, 50+ sessions are now available on-demand, thanks to a partnership with Prodigy EMS. Here’s how to access the content:

Attended Summit 2021? You should have received an email from Prodigy EMS with your log-in credentials. Questions? Reach out to support@prodigyems.com.

Missed Summit 2021? Visit the Prodigy EMS site to purchase on-demand sessions, including full access or specific tracks.